Consent Form Child's Name* First Last Photo Consent* I agree that photographs, slides, and videotapes, may be taken of my child and used for publicity (displays, slide presentation, website, Facebook, etc.) and for other reasonable educational-type activities.Religion Consent* I agree that my child will receive Christ-centered learning experiences that include Bible songs and stories, simple prayers and the teaching of basic Christian values.Field Trip Consent* I agree and grant permission that my child is taken off church property for field trips. I understand that notes will be sent home in advance when field trips are planned. I reserve the right to withdraw permission for an individual field trip by notifying Precious Lambs Preschool in advance. I also understand that if I choose for my child to not go on the field trip that he/she will not attend preschool for that day. I also agree that my child participate in walking activities on the campus of Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran Church.Activity Consent* I agree that my child may use all of the play equipment and participate in all of the activities under the careful supervision of Precious Lambs Preschool staff.Consent to Print Information* I herby give my consent for Precious Lambs Preschool to print my name, address and phone number on the class list that is distributed by the preschool for school cancellations, birthday parties, etc.Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Parent Name* First Last Email* Parent Signature*NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ