
A $75 non-refundable registration fee is due at the time of enrollment to secure your child’s place in the class.

If you are enrolling multiple children, there is only one registration fee due per family.

  • MWF am (3-5 yrs.) 9:00-11:30 $260
  • T/TH am (3-5 yrs.) 9:00-11:30 $195
  • MWF and T/TH 9:00-11:30 $405
  • Enrichment W/F 8:10-8:50 $120

*Must be 4 and entering kindergarten the following year

Tuition payments will be due from September through May. The total cost of the program is divided into 9 equal payments; therefore, no tuition adjustments can be made for legal holidays, vacations, or illnesses.

Tuition payments are non-refundable. Tuition payments are due by the 1st day of each month.

Tuition payments will be deducted from your chosen bank account via the Simply Giving program offered here. Please see below for information regarding this program. A child may not begin a new month of preschool if there is an outstanding balance, unless special arrangements are made with the preschool Director. In case of special circumstances families may apply for one of our Precious Lambs Preschool Tuition Scholarship. Please see Director for details.

Automatic withdrawal

Precious Lambs Preschool requires parents to use the Simply Giving program to make tuition payments. Electronic funds transfer is convenient, reliable and safer than writing a check because it cannot get lost or stolen.

There is no cost to you to participate in this program. To enroll in the program, complete the enrollment form. Once you’re enrolled, tuition payments will be automatically deducted on the 1st of the month from the account you designate. If the 1st falls on a weekend or holiday, the withdrawal will be adjusted either prior to or following the next business day.

  • The date of the first payment is 9/01/22.
  • The date of the last payment is 5/01/23.

If you are currently enrolled, you will need to fill out a new form for each new year that you are enrolled.

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